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现代科技正以惊人的速度向前发展,日益成为提高劳动生产率和社会经济效益的重要手段。但我国由于过去科技体制实行条块分割封闭式,资金来源“大锅饭”供给式,科技项目僵硬死板“指令”式,造成科研部门没有推广转让科研成果的责任,技术成果束之高阁成为展品、样品和礼品,严重影响我国科学技术事业的发展。为了支持科技事业的发展,1984年银行开展了科技贷款业务。通过科技信贷促进了科研与经济的密切结合,为扩大、繁荣、活跃技术市场创造了条件。首先,银行可以充分利用聚集、分配资金的职能作用积极促进科研部门多出成果,支持科技成果早成熟,早上市、早运用。如武汉工业控制计算机 Modern science and technology is advancing at an alarming rate and is increasingly becoming an important means of increasing labor productivity and social and economic benefits. However, due to the fact that in the past the science and technology system was implemented in the past, the funding source was “supply rice,” and the science and technology projects were rigidly “instructed.” This caused the scientific research department to fail to promote the responsibility for the transfer of scientific research results. The technical achievements were cast aside as exhibits, samples, and gifts. , seriously affecting the development of China’s science and technology. In order to support the development of scientific and technological undertakings, the Bank launched a science and technology loan business in 1984. The science and technology credit has promoted the close integration of scientific research with the economy, creating conditions for expanding, prospering, and invigorating the technology market. First of all, banks can make full use of the functions of aggregating and allocating funds to actively promote scientific research departments to produce more results, support the early maturity of scientific and technological achievements, and use them early in the morning. Such as Wuhan Industrial Control Computer
本刊讯本刊记者报道“是谁在出卖”八路军贵阳办事处“在2008年本刊第6期第93页刊载后,中共贵州省委常委、贵 Our correspondent reported ”Who is selling “ Eighth Rou
近日,山东省济南市考古研究所举行新闻发布会:在省府济南市“老城区”抢救性考古发掘过程中,发掘出土唐、宋、元、明、清五朝文化地层剖面,并出土多朝代历史文物。这一重要发现,一时间引起考古专家、学者及社会各界的广泛关注。      济南,因地处古济水(其故道今为黄河所据)南岸而得名,是一座有2600多年历史的历史文化名城,脍炙人口的“海佑此亭古,济南名士多”、“一城山色半城湖”、“家家泉水,户户垂杨”等
为热烈庆祝中华人民共和国成立六十周年,9月25日,在人民银行丹阳市支行的关心支持下,丹阳市钱币学会在丹阳人行举办“庆祝建国六十周年钱币藏品展”活动。 In order to warm