家具市场 前景广阔

来源 :家具与室内装饰 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yeyuxx008
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自改革开放以来,由于人民生活水平的普遍提高,我国的家具市场,特别是民用家具,一直保持着比较稳定的发展势头。据专家测算,我国大城市城镇居民人均消费家具占年生活费支出的2.5%左右,同时,集团消费居高不下,使家具消费水平每年都有新的提高,预计到2000年,家具总需求量将比90年代初期增长1倍以上。家具市场的旺销形势给家具制造业带来美好前景,许多家具企业准备在市场销售连年看好的情势下大干一场。但家具产品形成“买 Since the reform and opening up, due to the general improvement of people’s living standards, the furniture market in China, especially the furniture for civilian use, has maintained a relatively stable development momentum. According to estimates by experts, the per capita consumption of furniture for urban residents in large cities in China accounts for about 2.5% of the annual living expenses. At the same time, the Group’s consumption remains high and the level of furniture consumption has increased every year. It is expected that by 2000, the total demand for furniture will increase. More than doubled in the early 1990s. The booming situation in the furniture market has brought bright prospects to the furniture manufacturing industry. Many furniture companies are ready to work hard in the market for consecutive years. But furniture products form "buy
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1.Food can only be got out of the earth andhappiness out of diligence.--Ruskin,Britishwriter粮食出于土地,幸福来自勤奋。——英国作家拉斯金2.Industry is fortune’
土耳其于去年12月31日颁布了与欧盟一致的新法规,作为于今年1月1日生效的关税同盟协议的一部分。 该法令采用欧盟自勺共同对外贸易政策。从1996年1月1日起,土实行新的海关税