看了2002年第10期的电脑爱好者中的《IE被恶意修改之后》一文之后,觉得如果每次以手工修改注册表恢复IE那将很烦琐,而且对于初学者来说难免有些高深。 我推荐一个工具,可以很方便的修复IE: VRV注册表清理工具(http://www.vrv.com.cn/
After reading the article “After IE was Maliciously Modified” in computer enthusiasts of No. 10 in 2002, I found it very cumbersome to restore the IE manually each time. It would be inevitable for beginners to be somewhat advanced. I recommend a tool that can easily repair IE: VRV Registry Cleaner (http://www.vrv.com.cn/