艰苦奋斗的石圪节精神是石 圪节矿致胜的传家宝。从它的形成 至今已历经37年,37年来曾两次 在全国掀起学习高潮,1963年周总 理的嘱托,1990年江总书记的题 词,一次次激励石圪节高举“开拓 进取、再立新功”的矿风旗帜,从一 个辉煌走向另一个辉煌。近年来, 石圪节煤矿大力弘扬艰苦奋斗的 石圪节精神,以创新高效的姿态, 建设企业特色文明,坚持两个文明 一起抓,两个成果一起要,不仅矿 山面貌发生了翻天覆地的变化,而
The spirit of the hard stone struggle is the heirloom of the winning stones mine. From its formation up to now, it has gone through 37 years. In 37 years, it has twice set off a learning climax in the whole country. In 1963, Premier Zhou’s exhortations and General Secretary Jiang’s inscription in 1990 inspired Stone Age to hold “pioneering and enterprising work” Mine banner, from a brilliant to another brilliant. In recent years, Shijiazhuang Coal Mine vigorously carry forward the spirit of hardworking Stone Festival, with innovative and efficient attitude, building corporate culture, adhere to the two civilizations together, the two results together, not only the face of the earth has undergone enormous changes, and