2002年10月6日,北京市公安局在龙潭湖公园举行了首次警察开放日活动,在主题为“警民携手,确保十六大安全”的活动中,来自不同岗位的警察们向北京市民分发宣传品、提供咨询服务,并展示了最新装备。北京市公安局直属的28个单位根据各自的职能特点分30个区域设立近600块展板,展出了17种警用车辆,70余种警用设备和15套警用高科技系统。这是北京市公安局建局54年来首次向公众揭开自己的“神秘面纱”。 在众多的警种中,人们在日常生活中接触最多
On October 6, 2002, the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau held the first police open day in Longtan Lake Park. From the theme of “working together with the police and the people to ensure the security of the 16th National Congress,” police officers from different posts sent a message to Beijing citizens Distribute promotional materials, provide consulting services, and display the latest equipment. According to their respective functional characteristics, 28 units directly under Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau set up nearly 600 panels in 30 regions and displayed 17 kinds of police vehicles, over 70 kinds of police equipment and 15 sets of police high-tech systems. This is the first time that the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau has opened its own “mystery” to the public in 54 years. Among the many police types, people have the most contact in their daily lives