粟裕,中国人民解放军的著名将领。从抗日战争,到解放战争,他身经百战,总能以弱胜强,以少胜多,克敌制胜。从他的身上,我们不仅可以重温中国共产党人浴血奋战的历史画卷,而且可以深剖体验到中国共产党人由弱变强的波澜壮阔的整个历程。在世界战争史上真正的常胜将军并不多见,在中国革命战争史上也是如此。而粟裕,肯定就是属于这不多见的一个。你看,一场黄桥决战,粟裕以7000对敌3万,彻底打败顽军; 你看,苏中七战七捷,粟裕指挥华野扬威中原; 你看,淮海一战,60万时敌80万,粟裕从谋划到指挥,功不可没! 多少次关键战役,多少次关键决策,多少次关键指挥,其中均可看到粟裕这位常胜将军的心血凝结。将军不易,常胜更不易!正是: 热血当年浴神州,常胜将军美名收。千年铁锁不砸碎,哪来今日共自由!
Su Yu, the famous general of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. From the War of Resistance Against Japan to the war of liberation, he was able to win the war with a few victories. From him, we can not only review the historical images of bloody battles by the Chinese Communists, but also thoroughly examine the whole journey of the Chinese Communists from weak to strong. The real victorious general in the history of world war is rare, as is the history of the Chinese revolutionary war. Su Yu, certainly belong to this rare one. You see, a battle Huangqiao, Su Yu 7,000 against the enemy 30000, completely defeated the stubborn army; you see, the Soviet Union in the seven war seven Czechoslovakia Su Yu Huaxia command Central Plains; you see, Huaihai World War I, when the 600,000 enemy 800,000, Su Yu from planning to command, contributed! How many key battles, how many key decisions, how many times the key command, which can be seen Su Yu Chang Tsui generalist painstaking coagulation. General is not easy, more difficult to win! It is: blood bath China Shenzhou, Changsheng United States received. Millennium lock is not smashed, where a total of freedom today!