Industrial production of vertical hole insulating clay block, the design concept is to help end consumers in their daily lives to achieve energy saving. Producing products that meet quality requirements often requires going through many process steps, saving energy at every step of the production process, resulting in good power savings even with subtle optimizations. If the vertical hole thermal insulation clay block to reflect the required insulation performance, its body must have appropriate and more tiny holes. This usually entails the addition of combustibles to the body and the formation of microvoids from scrap in the paper, wood processing and packaging industries. As requirements for the insulation properties of masonry continue to increase, more and more materials such as pulp, sawdust and pieces of polystyrene from waste packaging materials are added to the clay. However, the fiber structure of these additives may cause the cut face of the brick to deform during the cutting process. This problem needs to be solved by appropriate cutting techniques, which otherwise can lead to cut surfaces