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在当前的知识经济时代,我国科技创业的浪潮风起云涌,企业孵化器作为扶持高科技创业的有力工具,已经成为我国高新技术产业发展过程中极具活力的亮点,正在发挥着越来越重要的作用。近年来,在世界范围内,孵化器公司如雨后春笋般涌现,数目不断增加。1997年1O月,北京首家吸引留学人员回国创业的科技企业孵化器——北京市留学人员海淀创业园正式成立。目前,北京已经有60多家孵化器。为推进北京市留学人员海淀创业园在二次创业中的可持续发展,2003年12月19日,由北京市孵育协会、中关村科技园区海淀园、中关村科技园区留学人员服务总部、《中国高新技术产业导报》报社联合主办的“海淀园孵化器发展战略研讨会”在海淀区上地信息产业基地召开。研讨会上,来自各界的专家学者就孵化器的发展方向、完善孵化器的服务功能、如何开展孵化器的国际合作、孵化器的体制和机制以及各种类型孵化器的建设经验等问题展开了广泛的交流与研讨。在这里,本刊摘编了他们的发言,让我们共同关注北京孵化器的发展。 In the current era of knowledge-based economy, the tide of science and technology entrepreneurship in our country is surging. As a powerful tool to support high-tech entrepreneurship, business incubator has become a very dynamic highlight in the development of high-tech industry in our country. It is playing an increasingly important role. In recent years, incubator companies have sprung up all over the world, with an increasing number. In October 1997, Beijing was the first technology business incubator to attract overseas students to start their own businesses, and Haidian Business Park was formally established in Beijing. At present, Beijing already has more than 60 incubators. On December 19, 2003, Beijing Municipal Incubation Association, Zhongguancun Science Park Haidian Park, Zhongguancun Science Park Overseas Students Service Headquarters, “China High-tech Industry Herald ”newspaper co-sponsored“ Haidian Park incubator development strategy seminar ”held in Haidian District, the information industry base. At the symposium, experts and scholars from all walks of life held extensive exchanges and discussions on the development direction of incubators, improving the service functions of incubators, how to carry out international cooperation in incubators, the system and mechanism of incubators, and the experience of various types of incubators . Here, we extract their speeches, let us focus on the development of Beijing incubator.
When it is raining and Sun shines, I come out in the blue sky; I am the Rainbow which makes you smile, I am the Rainbow which makes you smile. My seven
1.收集4根棒冰棍,用大头针将其中两根分别连接。  2.将大头针多余部分折弯固定。  3.将两组棒冰棍交叉固定。 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原版全文
冰雪融化了,春天来了,快脱下厚重的大衣,尽情享受春天吧。让我们看看世界各地的小朋友都在做些什么。 Melting snow, spring is coming, take off thick heavy coat, enjoy
父亲节就要到了,我们终于有了一个很好的机会来“比一比”爸爸了。你的爸爸是什么样的人?他有什么样的特点?你爱你的爸爸吗?下面4位同学正在七嘴八舌地谈论自已的爸爸呢。 F
我的心情我做主,你的幽默我来读。欢迎到“开心一刻”来做客。请把你舍不得独自享用的私房笑料,都一股脑儿地投过来,让全国的小伙伴们跟着你捧腹大笑,天天开心!  长颈鹿牙痛得厉害,它来找兔子帮忙看看。兔子拿着望远镜左照照,右照照,谁知凳子的小脚“喀嚓”一下断掉了。哇,这比游乐园的滑滑梯还要好玩的东西是什么……  笑料请寄:541004广西桂林市普陀路广西期刊传媒集团《数学大王》编辑部收,更快的方式就是发
Xiaoming : What are you going to do tomorrow, Lily?( Lily,明天你怎么过?) Lily: Aren't we going to have classes﹖ (难道我们不上课吗?) Xiaoming : No, tomorrow is Ju
跟我一起去糖果店,我买了棒棒糖,奶糖、薄荷糖、巧克力糖、水果糖,我还应该在糖果店买什么糖?dy can to the me with Come,shop a lollipop,Iget While,peppermint,Caramel,,
回想起两年前的就业选择情形,一切都历历在目,在公办园和民办园之间我们犹豫了很久,大多数人特别是父母都认为公办园 Recalling the employment options two years ago, eve