对运营商而言,引入明星终端仅仅是第一步,如何发挥明星终端效应,特别是通过其强大的功能和配置,配以丰富多彩的应用,为用户提供更好的3G应用服务,让用户得到越来越好的体验,不断提升用户的价值,这才是真正的关键所在。继中国联通推出WCDMA版的iPhone 4S合约机之后,在3月9日,电信CDMA版iPhone 4S也在中国内地上市销售,与中国联通做法不同的是,
For operators, the introduction of celebrity terminal is only the first step, how to play the star terminal effect, especially through its powerful features and configuration, with a variety of applications, to provide users with better 3G applications, allowing users Get better and better experience, and constantly enhance the value of users, this is the real key. Following China Unicom WCDMA version of the launch of the iPhone 4S contract machine, on March 9, Telecom CDMA version of the iPhone 4S also listed in the Chinese mainland, and China Unicom approach is different,