Scheme of Weather-Based Indemnity Indices for Insuring Against Freeze Damage to Citrus Orchards in Z

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiehao2008
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We design a weather-based indemnity index for the insurance against freeze damage to citrus orchards so as to provide technological support for the development of policy-based agriculture.The indices are prepared by separating a relative meteorological yield from the yield that is dependent on tree age,high-yield and low-yield years,and environmental factors,and then using a risk assessment scheme to determine the percentage yield reduction due to the meteorological hazard.We thus develop a set of indices associated with cold temperature damage with which to construct more severe weather indices in conjunction with the yield percentage decrease.We then combine the insured regional citrus yield index with the insured meteorological counterpart to obtain a weather-based indemnity index for the varying degree of freeze damage to crops.When the freeze damage index(FDI) is greater than-7.0°C for the coastal belt of Zhejiang Province,China,or greater than-9.0°C for other regions of Zhejiang,weather-based indemnity index(WBII) is zero,meaning there is no compensation;when the FDI is from -7.0 to -7.9°C for the coastal belt or from -9.0 to -9.9°C for other regions,the WBII is 1 with 50% compensation;when the FDI is from -8.0 to -8.9°C for the coastal belt or from -10.0 to -10.9°C for other regions,the WBII is 2 with 70% compensation;and when the FDI is less than -9.0°C for the coastal belt or less than-11.0°C for other regions,the WBII is 3 with 90% compensation.The weather indemnity indices of insured orchards are developed in the interest of owners,thereby eliminating adverse selection and moral hazard issues and providing timely recompense from the insurer,and resolving the problem of high indemnity cost in agricultural insurance. We design a weather-based indemnity index for the insurance against freeze damage to citrus orchards so as to provide technological support for the development of policy-based agriculture. Indices of prepared by separating a relative meteorological yield from the yield that is dependent on tree age, high-yield and low-yield years, and environmental factors, and then using a risk assessment scheme to determine the percentage yield reduction due to the meteorological hazard. We thus develop a set of indices associated with cold temperature damage with which to construct more severe weather indices in conjunction with the yield percentage decrease.We then combine the insured regional citrus yield index with the insured meteorological counterpart to obtain a weather-based indemnity index for the varying degree of freeze damage to crops.When the freeze damage index ( FDI) is greater than-7.0 ° C for the coastal belt of Zhejiang Province, China, or greater than-9.0 ° C for other regions of Zhejian g, weather-based indemnity index (WBII) is zero, meaning there is no compensation; when the FDI is from -7.0 to -7.9 ° C for the coastal belt or from -9.0 to -9.9 ° C for other regions, the WBII is 1 with 50% compensation; when the FDI is from -8.0 to -8.9 ° C for the coastal belt or from -10.0 to -10.9 ° C for other regions, the WBII is 2 with 70% compensation; and when the FDI is less than -9.0 ° C for the coastal belt or less than-11.0 ° C for other regions, the WBII is 3 with 90% compensation.The weather indemnity indices of insured orchards are developed in the interest of owners, thereby eliminating adverse selection and moral hazard issues and provide timely recompense from the insurer, and resolving the problem of high indemnity cost in agricultural insurance.
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