Negative Modulation of NO for Diaphragmatic Contractile Reduction Induced by Sepsis and Restraint Po

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In practice of forensic medicine, potential disease can be associated with fatal asphyxia in re-straint position. Research has demonstrated that nitric oxide (NO) and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) are plentifully distributed in skeletal muscle, contributing to the regulation of contractile and relaxation. In the current study, respiratory functions, indices of diaphragmatic biomechanical functions ex vivo, as well as NO levels in serum, the expressions of diaphragmatic inducible NOS (iNOS) mRNA, and the effects of L-NNA on contractility of the diaphragm were observed in sepsis induced by cecal ligation and punc-ture (CLP) under the condition of restraint position. The results showed that in the CLP12-18 h rats, respiratory dysfunctions; indices of diaphragmatic biomechanical functions (Pt, +dT/dtmax, -dT/dtmax, CT, Po, force over the full range of the force-frequency relationship and fatigue resistance ) declined progressive-ly; the NO level in serum, and iNOS mRNA expression in the diaphragm increased progressively; force increased significantly at all stimulation frequencies after L-NNA pre-incubation. Restraint position 1 h in CLP12 h rats resulted in severe respiratory dysfunctions after relative stable respiratory functions, almost all the indices of diaphragmatic biomechanical functions declined further, whereas little change took place in NO level in serum and diaphragmatic iNOS mRNA expression; and the effects of L-NNA were lack of statistical significance compared with those of CLP12 h, but differed from CLP18 h group. These results suggest that restraint position and sepsis act together in a synergistic manner to aggravate the great reduction of diaphragmatic contractility via, at least in part, the negative modulation of NO, which may contribute to the pathogenesis of positional asphyxia.
如果将果酱、薯片、脆黄瓜等美食与竞争激烈的职场风云联系在一起,你一定感到很奇怪吧?其实,有些美食的烹饪或者吃法中也有奥妙,如果能仔细咀嚼其中的关联,你会发现它们的特性中蕴含了很多职场定律。    薯片定律    ◎定律扫描:每个人都知道薯片是高热量的不健康零食,但很多人却依然对它爱不释手,有种习惯性的心理依赖症。  ●职场故事:到人事部报到那天,李雪冰就在公司里遇到早她两年毕业的师姐王洁茹,恰巧人
高校的思想品德课及政治理论课简称“两课 ”,其教学目的是加强学生道德品质教育,进而提升学生的思想境界,让学生以更加积极的心态面对学习、面对生活、面对工作.随着教学改
摘 要 我国是农业人口占多数的国家,三农问题是关系到我国发展进程的重大问题。其中对于农民土地权利问题的研究是重中之重,特别是改革开放以来,我国的农业政策作出了比较大的调整,对于农业土地流转的法律规定越来越明晰,其中农民土地权益问题仍值得我们深思。  关键词 土地问题 土地流转 农民权益  作者简介:李铭,兰州大学法学院。  中图分类号:D922.3 文献标识码:A DOI:10.19387/j.c
日本东京都知事小池百合子(Yuriko Yoike)2017年9月25日举行记者会,宣布将创建国政新党——希望之党并出任党首。9月27日,希望之党正式宣告成立。10月6日,小池代表希望之党公