疾病与不适 老婆怀孕还差4天就满3个月,感冒发烧了。上午体温37.5℃,咳嗽,医生开了些鱼腥草冲剂,双黄连冲剂,但是效果不好。下午体温升到了38.7℃,肌肉疼,咳嗽加剧,又到医院去开了鱼腥草针剂静脉注射,挂了一个多小时,有过敏反应,马上就停了。通过酒精擦浴,将体温降了一点,晚上37.8℃,吃了VC银翘片和板蓝根冲剂。第二天早上没有烧,体温36.8℃,还是咳嗽。但是到了下午,体温又上升到38.2℃,一直持
Wife and ill pregnancy is still worse than 4 days to 3 months, a cold and fever. Morning temperature 37.5 ℃, cough, the doctor opened some Houttuynia granules, Shuanghuanglian granules, but the effect is not good. Afternoon temperature rose to 38.7 ℃, muscle aches, cough worse, went to the hospital to open the Houttuynia injection intravenous injection, hanging more than an hour, an allergic reaction, immediately stopped. Rubbed alcohol bath, the body temperature dropped a little at 37.8 ℃, eating VC Yinqiao tablets and Banlangen granules. The next morning no burn, body temperature 36.8 ℃, or cough. But in the afternoon, the body temperature rose to 38.2 ℃, has been holding