Hoechst and Rhone-Poulene in France jointly produce fibre, each investing half of them in the construction of Faiway Filamentos. In addition, it plans to invest US$95 million to increase the production of polyester and polyamide fibres. The new plant has an annual turnover of US$400 million and employs 3,100 people. ECN95.6.12) Dupont and VCB each invested half of the 10,000-ton plants in the Berg-Ghent plant in VCB, France, to produce the formic acid amine derivative N-methylpyrrolidone, which was completed in 1997 (CW94.6.28) CIBA and Sandoz, Switzerland The company merged to build Novartis, with a total value of 75 billion Swiss francs. Its annual turnover increased to US$30 billion, establishing the world’s largest dedicated fine chemicals manufacturer. Additives, epoxy resins, pigments, and fluorescent brighteners took the top spot. , Fiber dye