“At some level, we all depend upon one another. Sometimes that requires us simply to refrain from doing something. And sometimes it requires us to act cooperatively, with allies or even with strangers.”
One night recently, I was driving down a two-lane highway at about 60 miles an hour. A car approached from the opposite direction at about the same speed. As we passed each other, I caught the other driver’s eye for only a second.
I wondered whether he might be thinking, as I was, how dependent we were on each other at that moment. I was 1)relying on him not to fall asleep, not to be 2)distracted by a cell phone conversation, not to cross over into my lane and bring my life to a sudden end. And though we had never spoken a word to one another, he relied upon me in just the same way.
3)Multiplied a million times over, I believe that is the way the world works. At some level, we all depend upon one another. Sometimes that dependence requires us simply to 4)refrain from doing something like crossing over the 5)double yellow line. And sometimes it requires us to act cooperatively, with 6)allies or even with strangers.
Back in 1980, I was 7)negotiating for the release of the 52 Americans held 8)hostage in 9)Iran. The Iranians refused to meet with me face to face, insisting instead that we send messages back and forth through the government of 10)Algeria. Although I had never before worked with the Algerian foreign minister, I had to rely on him to receive and transmit, with absolute 11)accuracy, both the words and 12)nuances of my messages. With his 13)indispensable help, all 52 Americans came home safely.
As technology 14)shrinks our world, the need increases for cooperative action among nations. In 2003, doctors in five nations were quickly 15)mobilized to identify the 16)SARS 17)virus, an action that saved thousands of lives. The threat of international terrorism has shown itself to be a similar problem; one requiring coordinated action by police and 18)intelligence forces across the world. We must recognize that our fates are not ours alone to control.
In my own life, I’ve
put great stock in personal responsibility. But, as the years have passed, I’ve also come to
believe that there are moments when one must rely upon the 19)good
faith and judgment of others.
So, while each of us facesÑat one time or anotherÑthe prospect of
driving alone down a dark road, what we must learn with experience is that the
approaching light may not be a threat, but a shared moment of trust.