H&M开始卖床单被套了。2月13日,H&M家居系列在中国正式开售,北京悠唐广场店的橱窗内出现了北欧风格的家居用品,让人一晃还以为进入了宜家家居。于2009年推出的H&M家居系列还拥有专为儿童开发的家居产品线,据悉,儿童家居系列产品已在杭州、天津、重庆等地上架。快时尚品牌在拓展产品线方面一向乐此不疲。去年,H&M推出轻奢侈系列&Other Stories就曾引起热议,2014年又把家居系列引进中国,看来誓要将影响力辐射至消费者生活的方方面面。这让记者联想到
H & M began selling sheets quilt. February 13, H & M home series was officially on sale in China, Beijing You Tang Plaza shop window appeared Nordic-style household items, one-stop thought I also entered the IKEA home. The H & M Home Collection, launched in 2009, also boasts a home product line developed specifically for children. It is reported that the home series of children’s furniture has been on shelves in Hangzhou, Tianjin and Chongqing. Fast fashion brand has always been bored in expanding product lines. Last year, H & M introduced the Light Luxury Series & Other Stories, which attracted heated attention. In 2014, the introduction of the Home Series into China also appeared to vow to influence every aspect of consumer life. This reminds reporters