在美国亚利桑那州的西北部有一处举世闻名的自然奇观——科罗拉多大峡谷。峡谷的得名源自北美洲西部大河——科罗拉多河。这条大河发源于美国南部的洛基山脉,经过经年累月冲刷水蚀,形成了长达350公里、宽16—29公里、最深处有1 620多米的科罗拉多大峡谷,科罗拉多河依然在谷底不息地奔向远方。正因为这些奇异的景观,这里历来是人们探险、旅游的热门地区。一位作曲家也在多次旅游到这里后,迸发出创作激情,写出一部如同绘画般引人入胜的名作,它就是美国作曲家格罗菲(F·Grofe,1892~1972)创作的《大峡谷》(Grand Canyon)组曲。这部作品共分为五个乐章,其中第一、二、四乐章都是在风景的变化中描绘自然的画卷;而第三、五乐章,聆听中好似身历其境。
Northwestern Arizona has a world-famous natural wonders - the Grand Canyon. Gorge name derives from the western North American river - the Colorado River. The river originates in the Rocky Mountains in the southern United States. After years of erosion and erosion, the Colorado River, 350 km long, 16-29 km wide and more than 1 620 meters wide deep, forms the Colorado River. To the distance. Because of these exotic landscapes, it has always been a popular area for people to explore and travel. A composer also traveled here many times, burst into creative passion, write a drawing as fascinating masterpieces, it is the American composer Grofe (Grofe, 1892 ~ 1972) creation of “large Grand Canyon ”Suite. The work is divided into five movements, of which the first, second, and fourth movements depict a picture of nature in landscape changes; and the third and fifth movements, as if listening to them, experience the whole story.