测定了100个稻曲病菌(Ustilaginoidea virens)菌株的产孢能力、生长速率、色泽、胞外物质对麦种萌发抑制率和致病力,用SPSS软件分析了其产孢能力、生长速率、色泽、对麦种萌发抑制率与致病力的相关性。结果表明:菌株的产孢能力、色泽与致病力呈正相关;对麦种萌发抑制率与致病力的相关系数无统计学意义;菌株的生长速率与致病力呈负相关。其中,菌株的产孢能力和致病力呈中度相关;色泽、生长速率与致病力呈低度相关。
The inhibition rate and pathogenicity of 100 strains of spores of Ustilaginoidea virens on sporulation, growth rate, color and extracellular substance were measured. The spore formation ability, growth rate, color and luster , The inhibition of wheat germination rate and the relationship between virulence. The results showed that there was a positive correlation between sporulation ability and color of the strain and pathogenicity. The correlation coefficient between inhibition rate and pathogenicity of wheat germination was not statistically significant. The growth rate of the strain was negatively correlated with pathogenicity. Among them, the strain’s sporulation ability and pathogenicity showed a moderate correlation; color, growth rate and pathogenicity was low correlation.