If you have a lot of documents to be saved in your computer, you need the help of a scanner if you have a lot of photos that need to be placed on your website or sent to friends and family. Scanner is an important external computer equipment, we can use it to scan photos and documents to the computer to save and process. Types of Scanners Scanners can be categorized as roller scanners, flatbed scanners and hand-held scanners by scanning method. Roller scanners are generally used by professionals for large format scanning and are excellent in scan quality but expensive: flatbed scanners are the most popular at the moment, with prices declining in recent years, and the quality of the scans rising, becoming commercial, family and personal Preferred varieties: Handheld scanner has the advantage of lower prices, small size, light weight, the disadvantage is the lower accuracy of the scan, the scanning quality is not as good as the flatbed scanner, is now rarely seen. Scanner commonly used photosensitive devices