本文节译自《想象现实:纪录电影文选》(Imaging Reality: The Faber Book of Documentary,凯文·麦克当纳和马克·卡赞主编,英国法伯尔出版公司1996年版)的最后一章,标题为“热点问题”(The Burning Question),系编者向一些著名纪录片人发出的一份调查问卷的反馈,调查的问题是:1、您打算在纪录片中完成怎样的主题?2、您怎样看待纪录片的未来?克劳德·朗兹曼没有直接回答上面两个问题,而是寄去了下面这段文字。不久,他于1996年5月赴东京参加土本典昭的个人影展。由于朗兹曼的加入,这次影展成了土本典昭与朗兹曼的联合影展,取名为“土本典昭与朗兹曼的世界”。在今年的北京国际纪录片展上,两人将再次相会,共叙兄弟之谊。
This section is the last chapter in Imaging Reality: The Faber Book of Documentary, edited by Kevin McDonald and Mark Kazan, published by Farber Publishing Co., 1996, title “The Burning Question,” a series of editors’ responses to a survey of famous documentaries, asked questions as follows: 1. What kind of topics do you intend to complete on the documentary? 2. How do you think about the documentary? The future? Claude Lanzman did not directly answer the above two questions, but sent the following text. Soon, he went to Tokyo in May 1996 to attend the solo exhibition of Takeshi Takeshi. As a result of Lanzmann’s participation, the film festival became the joint film festival of Turkmenistan and Lanzmann, and was named “the world of Turkmenistan and Lanzman.” At this year’s Beijing International Documentary Film Festival, the two will meet again to discuss the fraternal friendship.