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Instructions:rn1. Fill the 2-liter bottle three-fourths full of water. Turn on the flashlight and hold it flat against the side of the bottle, so it will shine through the bottle from the side.
Long seen as annoying creatures that can leave holes in your clothes, moths have been badly misjudged, say scientists.
[摘 要] 在水资源紧缺地区,适宜的水价可以促进企业节约用水、合理用水,并采取积极措施,提高用水效率,同时还可促进缺水地区根据水资源承载能力调整产品结构和产业结构。  [关键词] 水利枢纽工程 工业水价 计算
A sensory garden for abused, abandoned and in?jured dogs has opened in Aberdeenshire. The Scottish SPCA has created the facility at its rescue centre in Drumoak
萨拉想参加今年的校园剧表演。她想要出演什么角色呢?rnSarah was hoping to get the lead role in the school play.rnLast year she played the role of Darma in “My Favo