说Stuart Harris是当代澳大利亚中国研究界德高望重的老行尊,绝非夸张之词。这位已过“耳顺之年”的老人,经历丰富得象一部史书。Stuar Harris中文名叫何睿斯,现任澳洲国立大学亚太研究院国际关系系的教授和东北亚研究项目的负责人,在澳洲中国学研究的圈子里,何睿斯是一位颇受同行敬重的人物。 何睿斯生于1931年,年轻时当过农民,做过工人。1956年大学毕业后到政府部门工作过一段时间。1964年以《进口控制:1952—1960年的澳大利亚》的论文在澳洲国立大学获得博士学位。1962—1975年间,曾先后担任澳洲农业经济局高级经济学家和堪培拉分局局长,澳洲海外贸易部副秘书长。
It is by no means an exaggeration to say that Stuart Harris is a respected veteran of today’s Chinese research community in Australia. The elderly person who has passed the “Ear Ear Years” experience as rich as a history book. Stuar Harris Chinese name is Ge Ruisi, the current Australian National University Asia Pacific Institute of International Relations professor and Northeast Asia research project leader, Australia in the circle of Chinese studies, He Ruisi is a counterparts respected character. He Ruisi was born in 1931, when a young man was a farmer, worked as a worker. After graduating from university in 1956 to work in government departments for some time. In 1964 he obtained his doctorate from the National University of Australia on the essay “Import Control: 1952-1960 in Australia.” From 1962-1975, he served successively as Senior Economist, Australian Bureau of Agricultural Economics and Head of Canberra Branch and Deputy Secretary General of Australia’s Overseas Trade Department.