教师呈现上面三组算式,让学生口算。 师:观察这几组算式,你有什么新的发现? 生:我发现,每一组算式中的商相等。 生:我发现,每组算式中,被除数和除数都发生了变化,而商没有变。 生:老师,我有个问题,一般情况下,被除数和除数变了,商也会变,但黑板上的每组算式中的商却没有变,这是为什么呢? 生:我觉得这几组算式中的被除数和除数的变化有规律。
The teacher presents the above three sets of formulas, let the student count. Teacher: Looking at these groups of formulas, what are your new findings? Students: I find that the quotient in each set of equations is equal. Student: I found that in each set of formulas, the dividend and the divisor have changed, and the business has not changed. Health: teacher, I have a question, under normal circumstances, the dividend and divisor has changed, the business will change, but the business of each set of formulas on the blackboard has not changed, which is why? Health: I think these groups Dividend and divisor in the formula changes regularly.