薏苡(Coix lachryma jobi L.)在安徽省泾县、太平、宁国、桐城、凤阳、宿县等地均有种植。据1957、1958年调查,发现薏苡受黑穗病菌(Ustilago coicis Bref.)为害,十分严重。例如1957年9—11月于桐城县文昌社、宿县红光社及合肥西郊“五一”社等地调查,大田平均病株率达80-100%,病瘿率达50%以上。 一、症状 此病症状出现较晚,一般在抽穗以后,才在被害株的不同部位出现不同症状。 1.穗部:病症主要表现在穗部,有时全穗或部分小穗受害。受害种子变形,细长或椭圆,有的肿大,种
Coix lachryma jobi L. is planted in Jing County, Taiping, Ningguo, Tongcheng, Fengyang, Suxian and other places in Anhui Province. According to the survey of 1957 and 1958, Coix was found to be severely damaged by Ustilago coicis Bref. For example, from September to November 1957, investigations were carried out in Wenchang County of Tongcheng County, Hongshe County of Suxian County, and “May 1” Society in the western suburbs of Hefei. The average rate of diseased plants in the field was 80-100% and the disease rate reached 50% or more. First, the symptoms appear later symptoms of the disease, usually after heading, only in different parts of the victim strains appear different symptoms. 1. Spike: The disease mainly in the spike, and sometimes whole spike or part of the spike damage. Victims of seed deformation, slender or oval, some swollen, species