目的:在中国汉族儿童中探讨白血病易感性与CYP3A5*3的频率之间的相关性.方法:共收集172名中国汉族儿童血液,包括52名急性白血病患者(27女性,25男性)和120名健康儿童(53女性,67男性).提取DNA,然后用PCR-RFLP方法检测基因型.结果:CYP3A5*3在人群中的分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡.儿童白血病中CYP3A5*3频率为0.721 (95% CI:0.549,0.893),而健康儿童中为0.758 (95%CI:0.674,0.842),两者之间无明显差异,并且也无男女性别差异.结论:CYP3A5*3是健康儿童和白血病患者中的常见基因型,健康儿童和白血病患儿中CYP3A5*3频率一致, 因此CYP3A5*3与儿童白血病易感性之间无关联.“,”To investigate the association of CYP3A5* 3 with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) susceptiveness in Chinese Han children.METHODS: CYP3A5 genotype was analyzed from 172 Chinese ban children,including 52ALL patients(27 female and 25 male) and 120healthy controls(80 female and 92 male).Genomic DNA was extracted from blood sample,and PCR-RFLP was used to identify the polymorphism.RESULTS: This polymorphism were matched to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in all group.The allelic frequency of CYP3A5* 3 was 0.721 (95% CI: 0.549,0.893) in patients while 0.758 (95% CI: 0.674,0.842) in healthy controls.There was no significant difference existed in CYP3A5* 3 frequencies between patients and controls (P=0.275),males and females (P=0.432) in the total population.CONCLUSION:The CYP3A5* 3 variant represents a common polymorphism in Chinese healthy children and ALL,and this polymorphism is poor association with ALL susceptiveness in children.