国家自然科学基金研究专著 《食草动物胃肠弛缓》李毓义等 编著 吉林大学出版社 定价:17.00元 草食动物胃肠弛缓系兽医临床上常见多发的一大类疾病群,国内外现有书刊一直没有把它作为独立的病理单元加以记载和论述。作者在“六五”和“八五”期间先后承担国家自然科学基金和军队医药卫生科研基金项目,以提出的草食动物胃肠弛缓病理学概念为依据,结合长期临床诊疗实践和最新科研成果,按病因归类专题加以著述。具有较大的理论学术意义和实践作用。 本书可作为畜牧、兽医专业的教学、科研和医疗人员参考。
National Natural Science Foundation of China Monograph “Herbivore gastrointestinal relaxation” Li Yuyi, eds. Jilin University Press Pricing: 17.00 yuan Herbivore gastrointestinal relaxation Department of veterinary clinically common in a large group of disease groups, the existing books at home and abroad have not It is recorded and discussed as an independent pathology unit. During the “Sixth Five-Year Plan” and “The Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, the author undertook the National Natural Science Foundation of China and military medical and health research fund project. Based on the concept of gastrointestinal relaxation pathology proposed by herbivores, combined with long-term clinical diagnosis and treatment practice and the latest scientific research achievements, According to the cause of classification to be described. Has a greater theoretical and practical significance. This book can be used as a livestock, veterinary professional teaching, research and medical staff reference.