
来源 :解剖学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zoudehenhao
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目的为临床腮腺区良性肿瘤切除术时定位和处理面神经其分支提供解剖学资料。方法对16侧成人面侧区进行局部解剖,着重观察面神经下颌缘支下的行程及其与下颌后静脉前支、面静脉的相互关系。结果面神经下颌缘支位于下颌角与颏孔连线、下颌后静脉前支、面静脉下端所围成的下颌缘支三角内,其行程以下颌角处为起点,下颌体下缘为中线,上、下方各14.5 mm的区域,下颌缘支三角的∠AOB平分线至的对边中点的线段作为面神经下颌缘支的投影线,下颌缘支行于此投影线上的占88%。结论临床腮腺区良性肿瘤切除术,面神经探查分离时,可在下颌缘支三角内先暴露面神经下颌缘支,逆行分离探查面神经主干及其分支,下颌缘支的投影线可作为寻找面神经下颌缘支的重要标志。 Objective To provide anatomical data for the localization and treatment of facial nerve in the clinical parotidectomy. Methods Local anatomy was performed on the lateral side of 16 adult adults, and the relationship between the stroke and the anterior branch and vena cava of the posterior mandibular vein was observed. Results The mandible margin of the facial nerve was located in the triangle of mandibular marginalis formed by the connection between the mandibular angle and the mental orifice, the anterior branch of the posterior mandibular vein and the inferior vena cava. Its stroke started at the mandibular angle and the lower edge of the mandible was midline. , 14.5 mm below the region, the mandibular marginal triangle ∠AOB bisector to the midpoint of the opposite side of the line as the mandibular marginal line of facial projection, mandibular marginal branch in this projection line accounted for 88%. Conclusions In the clinical parotidectomy, benign tumor resection and facial nerve exploration can expose the mandibular limbal branch of the facial nerve in the mandibular tributaries, retrogradely explore the trunk of the facial nerve and its branches, and the projection line of the mandibular marginal branch can be used as a probe to find the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve The important symbol.
<正> 一、四川省水资源的形成条件四川省位于我国西南部,地处长江上游,介于东经97°26′~110°12′和北纬26°01~34°21′之间,南北宽900km,东西长1200km,全省幅员面积57.01万k
<正> 张贵印是河北省名老中医,50年代曾就读于河北医学院,毕业后留校工作,曾从师于全国著名老中医、素有“小儿王”之美誉的马新云教授,深得马师之教,细习马师之术,并能根据
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