This study was to investigate the effect of different organic-inorganic fertilizers on the granulation, lobed fractures, yield and soil nutrient content of Xianyu grapefruit. The results showed that, compared with the single application of inorganic fertilizers, the application of organic fertilizer can effectively reduce the degree of granulation of the fruit, greatly improve the soil organic matter content, and help to improve the fruit quality. Among them, with 50% organic fertilizer treatment can also significantly improve the yield. Test also table grumble by balanced fertilization, orchards get high yield year by year, and maintain high soil fertility and tree nutrient levels; the same time, the degree of granulation of the grain showed a decreasing trend year by year. The author recommends, 100kg of red soil in the forest pumping back; annual plant pure nitrogen about 1.5kg (organic nitrogen accounted for 30% -50% of total nitrogen). 1.0-1.5 kg of lime, and its element ratio N: P2O5: K2O: CaO: MgO is 1.00: 0.50-0.60: 1.00-1.05: 1.00-1.36: 0.28.