Differential Effects of Butyric Acid on Mouse Skin Tumorigenesis

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZHIWEINIU
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We studied the effects of butyric acid (BA) on mouse skin tumorigenesis using chronicanimal bioassays. Topical application of BA immediately after each treatment with 12-0-te-t radecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) promoter’ inhi bi ted skint umors. The effect was depe n -dent on the dose of BA applied. BA showed no marked inhibitory effect on either skin tumorinitiation or complete tumorigenesis induced by dimet hyl benzant hracene (DMBA ). Si nce t u -mor promotion reportedly involves epigenetic events whereas tumor initiation or complete tu-morigenesis takes place through genetic pathways, it is Possible that BA exerts its antitumori-genic effects mainly by altering the epigenetic events responsible for tumor promotion. The re-sults of the study could further be used to study the mechanism of action and modification ofantitumorigenic effects of BA in combination with other substances We studied the effects of butyric acid (BA) on mouse skin tumorigenesis using chronicanimal bioassays. Topical application of BA immediately after each treatment with 12-0-te-t radecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) promoter’ inhi bi ted skint umors The effect was depe n -dent on the dose of BA applied. BA showed no marked inhibitory effect on either skin tumorinitiation or complete tumorigenesis induced by dimet hyl benzant hracene (DMBA ). Si nce tu - mor included. Initiation or complete tu-morigenesis takes place through genetic pathways, it is Possible that BA exerts its antitumori-genic effects chief by altering the epigenetic events responsible for tumor promotion. The re-sults of the study could further be used to study the mechanism of Action and modification of antitumorigenic effects of BA in combination with other substances
在中华五千年文明史中,农耕文明时期最长,甚至有近代史学家认为正是因为我们悠久而灿烂的农耕文明历史,才使得工业文明时代来临时,中国人本能地表现出抗拒与排斥。在漫长的农耕文明时代,中国人最大的梦想便是国泰民安、五谷丰登。那么,这里的五谷指的是什么呢?  古人所说的五谷,在不同时期有不同的定义,其中,最广为人知的一种是指稻、黍、稷、麦、菽。菽,泛指今天的各种豆类,如今已然成为一种副食,或作油料作物使用,