This article is about thinking about the discovery of sketch art. In the continuous development of art, sketch art presents in different forms. Starting with the topic “What can sketch art be ?,” it explores the diversity of sketch art and the development of sketch art. The artist’s use of visual language and the application of forms is extremely important for artistic creation. The artist’s choice of performance media directly affects the performance of the screen. Due to the development and evolution of space-time, aesthetic standards and artistic skills, the performance of the art of sketch has its own personality development. Through different techniques and materials, the spirit and essence of the sketches are enhanced to better reflect the artist’s concept and purpose. In order to study the unique form of sketch art under the use of different techniques, the diversity of art forms of sketch art will be demonstrated by its uniqueness. The repetitive performance characteristics of printmaking make its production skills develop rapidly. The chance of printmaking and the appearance of texture increase the possibility of drawing art in modeling. By using the technique of printmaking to express the visual language in sketch art, The space created by the artist’s styling presents the individual visual language of the artist as well as the modeling performance of the diversity of the sketch art. Therefore, this article will be based on the author’s graduation work as the exploration and presentation of research results.