随着计算机辅助会计核算的优点越来越明显,更多的企业会购买会计软件。为了便于同行正确使用,更快掌握会计软件,并将电算化管理顺利进行,笔者将自身的工作经验与大家交流;希望对大家有益。 一、初始化工作 如果是年初进行初始化,只需准备上一年度的资产负债表。同时准备各账户明细账。如果是会计年度中期进行初始化,则需将当年前几个月各个账户的累计借方发生额和累计贷方发生额统计出来。初始化工作的设置恰当与否,直接影响到以后账务处理的成功与否。为了大家少走弯路,将操作步骤归纳如下。 1.核算代码的设置。核算代码包括客户代码、职员代码、部门代码、存货代码等。客户代码可按地区分
As the advantages of computer-aided accounting become more apparent, more businesses buy accounting software. In order to facilitate the correct use of peers, accounting software to master faster, and computerized management smoothly, I will own experience and work with everyone; hope it is good for everyone. First, the initial work If you are initializing the beginning of the year, just prepare the previous year’s balance sheet. At the same time prepare a detailed account of each account. If it is the middle of the fiscal year to initialize, you need to count the accumulated debit amount and accumulated credit amount of each account in the first few months of the current year. The initialization of the work properly set or not, a direct impact on the success or failure of the accounting treatment. In order to avoid detours, the operation steps are summarized as follows. 1. Accounting code settings. Accounting code, including customer code, staff code, department code, inventory code. Customer code can be divided by region