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柏文蔚是我国近现代史上一位著名的爱国民主人士,1913年“讨袁四督”之一。他于1912年督皖后,立即雷厉风行禁鸦片。1912年9月的一天,安庆警方在一艘英国商船上查获偷运进安庆价值160万元的印度鸦片,柏文蔚立即下令将鸦片全部没收。9月16日,他命令省城警察厅长祁耿寰将这批鸦片在省都督府门前全部“和盐焚消”。当时万余军民前往观看,一齐鼓掌称快。与此同时,柏文蔚严禁在安徽境内种植鸦片,明令私种烟苗二十株以上者,即将户主枪毙,全省震动,烟苗绝迹。1912年10月间,孙中山巡视长江各省,在安庆登岸向军民发表演说,盛赞安徽严禁 Bai Wenwei is one of the famous patriotic democrats in the modern history of our country. In 1913, he was one of the “Governors discussing Yuan four governors.” After Governor Wan in 1912, he promptly banned opium. On the day of September 1912, Anqing police seized Indian opium smuggled into Anqing worth 1.6 million yuan in a British merchant ship. Persephone immediately ordered all the opium to be confiscated. On September 16, he ordered Qi Geng-huan, director of the provincial capital police, to put all the opium in front of the provincial government at the provincial government and “destroy the salt.” At that time, more than 10,000 soldiers and civilians went to watch and applauded together. In the meantime, Bai Wenwei strictly forbidden to plant opium in Anhui Province, explicitly ordering more than 20 private tobacco seedlings. The head of the household was about to be shot and the whole province shook and the tobacco seedlings were extinct. In October 1912, Sun Yat-sen patrolled the provinces of the Yangtze River and made a speech to the army and people on the landing of Anqing, praising Anhui forbidding
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引渡回国 检察官提起公诉1945年8月15日,日本天皇宣布无条件投降。平日作威作福欺压人民的大小汉奸,犹如热锅上的蚂蚁,乱作一团。安徽最后一任汉奸省长林柏生也偷偷地从蚌埠溜
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