1998年3月,为配合第04省道工程建设,安吉县博物馆对沿途墓葬进行抢救性清理,在安城镇垄坝村吴家山清理了6座墓葬,其中1座战国墓(编号D1M2,简称M2),5座西汉墓。现将战国墓的清理情况简报如下。 M2 长方形竖穴岩坑墓。墓长2.8、宽2.1、深0.72米,墓口距地表深3.2米。墓向85度。墓内填灰色土,墓底中央有板灰痕迹,因腐朽较甚,已无法确认木棺大小。随葬器物中,陶器置于棺木南侧,玉器置于人骨头部。出土器物有陶鼎、盒、壶及玉璧(图一)。
In March 1998, in line with the construction of the No. 4 provincial highway project, Anji County Museum conducted a salvage cleanup of tombs along the way. In Wuchang Mountain, Anba Village, Ancheng Town, 6 tombs were cleared, including 1 Warring States Period (No. D1M2, referred to as M2 ), Five Western Han Tombs. Briefing the clean-up of the Warring States Period follows. M2 rectangular cave crater tomb. Tomb length 2.8, width 2.1, depth 0.72 meters, the tomb mouth 3.2 meters deep from the surface. Tomb to 85 degrees. Tomb filled with gray soil, ash at the bottom of the tomb marks, due to decadent, has been unable to confirm the size of the wooden coffin. Burial utensils, pottery placed on the south side of the coffin, jade placed in the human head. Utensils unearthed pottery, boxes, pots and jade Bi (Figure 1).