《中国医疗管理科学》为国家卫生和计划生育委员会主管、国家卫生计生委医院管理研究所和中国协和医科大学出版社主办的国内外公开发行的专业学术期刊,其国际标准连续出版物刊号为:ISSN 2095-7432,CN 10-1208/R;邮发代号:82-479。杂志为双月刊,单月15日出版,每本定价10元,全年60元,读者可通过邮局或编辑部订阅。订阅电话:010-64980028或64980060。地址:北京市朝阳区安立路飘亮阳光广场A2座803室,邮编:100101。《中国医疗管理科学》栏目设置丰富,办刊宗旨为刊发医疗管理科学研究报告和学术论文,介绍国内外医疗管理领域的
“Chinese medical management science” for the national health and family planning commission director, the national health and family planning institute of hospital management and Peking Union Medical University Press sponsored domestic and international public offering of professional journals, the international standard serial number of the publication : ISSN 2095-7432, CN 10-1208 / R; postal code: 82-479. Magazine for the bi-monthly, published on the 15th of each month, each priced at 10 yuan, 60 yuan a year, readers can subscribe through the post office or editorial department. Subscription Phone: 010-64980028 or 64980060. Address: Anli Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Liang Liang Sunshine Plaza, Room 803, Block A2, Zip Code: 100101. “China Medical Management Science” column set rich, the purpose of running a medical management for the publication of scientific research reports and academic papers, introducing the field of medical management at home and abroad