市场疲软、资金短缺、 货源紧张等,严重困扰着运 输企业的生存和发展。在这 种情况下,是埋怨形势变 化、消极观望、等形势好 转,还是奋力竞争、顽强拼 搏、努力搞活企业?这是值 得每个企业经理认真思考的 一个严峻问题。最近笔者调查了邯郸市运输总公司所属9个企业1990年1~8月
Weak market, shortage of funds and tight supply have seriously haunted the survival and development of transport enterprises. In this case, is to complain about changes in the situation, passive wait and see, the situation is getting better, or struggling to compete, tenacious struggle, and strive to invigorate the business? This is worth serious consideration for each business manager a serious problem. Recently I investigated the Handan City Transportation Corporation owned nine companies from January 1990 to August 1990