
来源 :西北地震学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gzhp
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在活断层的力学性质参数中 ,摩擦系数有着特别重要的意义 .它是建立活断层运动学与动力学之间物理力学关系进而促进地震地质研究沿着“由静到动、由定性到定量”方向深入发展的关键性参数之一 ,也是建立活断层重新滑动准则从而定量评估断层稳定性或地震危险性不可缺少的物理参数 .目前 ,断层摩擦系数主要是应用双剪法对采自断层的断层泥进行实验室测试和研究而取得的 .这样取得的结果很难说能够代表断层实际摩擦系数 ,尤其很难反映断层深部摩擦性状 ,采用实验室方法是无法测知不同地质时期断层活动所显示的摩擦性状及其演化特征的 .因此 ,必须寻找定量确定断层摩擦系数及其演化特征的新途径 .通过理论研究和实际应用提出了根据对活断层运动学实测资料的分析并结合年代学测试定量确定断层摩擦系数和动力学主要参数及其演化特征的新途径 . The friction coefficient is of particular importance in the mechanical parameters of the active fault, which is to establish the physical-mechanical relationship between the kinematics and dynamics of the active fault and to promote the seismic geology research. From “static to dynamic, qualitative to quantitative” It is also one of the key parameters for further development of the direction of the fault, and it is also an indispensable physical parameter for quantitatively assessing the stability of the fault or seismic hazard by establishing the criterion of re-slip of the active fault.At present, the friction coefficient of the fault is mainly applied to the fault Mud laboratory testing and research obtained.This result is hard to say that can represent the actual friction coefficient of the fault, in particular, is difficult to reflect the deep fault friction properties, the use of laboratory methods can not be detected in different geological fault activity shows the friction Traits and their evolutionary characteristics.Therefore, we must find a new way to quantitatively determine the friction coefficient and its evolution characteristics of the fault.According to the analysis of the measured data of the kinematic of active fault and the quantitative determination of the fault Friction coefficient and kinetic parameters and their evolutionary characteristics New way.
研究了青藏高原北部地区 7级以上地震活动的时空分布特征、孕育演化过程及其不均匀性等问题 .结果表明 ,本区 7级以上地震前的中强地震活动场具有一定的共性特征 ,表现为地震孕育的阶段性及其不同的地震活动异常现象 ,利用这些特征可进行 7级以上地震震情形势及其阶段性的判定研究 ,对本区的 7级以上地震预测具有实用价值 .
简要介绍了地电学地震预报方法软件系统 (GSEP)的结构、主要功能、技术特点、应用范围、软件运行环境、研制开发平台、性能技术指标以及可进一步开发的内容和推广应用前景 .