崇尚“有”,惟恐“无”,似乎是人与生俱来的本能。在“有”与“无”之间,可以看出一个人的人格高下与品质优劣。 谈到“有”,人们很自然地会想到金钱、财产、待遇,以至权势、地位、影响等等。是的,金钱、荣誉、权势、待遇是“有”的象征,但又并不是“有”的全部。人生在世,除了拥有物质财富外,还应拥有精神财富,只有二者俱丰俱盈,才能谈得上理性的生存,高尚的生存,美满的生存。 《六有六无周恩来》为我们展示了一代伟人的高风亮节。伟人之魂
Advocating the “yes”, lest “no” seems to be born with instinct. Between “yes” and “no”, one can see that one’s personality is superior to one’s quality. When it comes to “yes,” people naturally think about money, property, treatment, and even power, status, influence, and so on. Yes, money, honor, power, and treatment are symbols of “yes” but not “yes.” Life is alive, in addition to possessing material wealth, but also should have the spiritual wealth, only the two are full, in order to talk about rational survival, noble survival, happy life. “There are six no Zhou Enlai,” shows us a generation of great man’s great style. Great soul