针对穿龙薯蓣资源保护和人工栽培区选择的实际问题,通过对吉林省内穿龙薯蓣进行实地调查,运用Max Ent模型和GIS技术,筛选出影响穿龙薯蓣分布的主要环境因子,并对穿龙薯蓣进行分布区划研究,绘制吉林省穿龙薯蓣分布区划图。Max Ent模型研究发现温度季节性变化的标准差、10月份降水量等6项主要环境因子对穿龙薯蓣的生长适宜度影响最大,生长适宜度数值范围为4.612 08×10-6~0.544 31,利用分位数法对穿龙薯蓣进行分布区划,划分为高适生区、中适生区、低适生区和不适生区4部分。其中高适生区集中在吉林省中部和南部地区,总面积47 988 km2。利用Arc GIS提取采样点的环境因子,统计主要环境因子在各适宜区内的数值情况。该研究绘制的吉林省穿龙薯蓣分布区划与实际情况基本一致,为明确最适合穿龙薯蓣生长的自然环境,也为开展穿龙薯蓣资源的保护和栽培区选择提供参考依据。
In order to solve the practical problems of resource selection and artificial selection of Dioscorea zingiberensis, a field investigation was conducted on Dioscorea zingiberensis in Jilin province. Using Max Ent model and GIS technology, the main environmental factors influencing the distribution of Dioscorea zingiberethis were screened. Dragon Potato zoning distribution study, draw the dragonfly in Jilin Province distribution zoning map. Max Ent model study found that the seasonal variation of temperature standard deviation, precipitation in October and other six major environmental factors on the growth of Dioscorea niya most suitable for the growth of fitness, growth suitability values range from 4.612 08 × 10-6 ~ 0.544 31, The quantile method is used to divide the dioscorea zingiberensis into four parts, that is, high fitness area, moderate fitness area, low fitness area and uncomfortable area. Among them, the high habitat area is concentrated in the central and southern part of Jilin Province with a total area of 47 988 km2. ArcGIS was used to extract the environmental factors of sampling points and count the value of major environmental factors in each suitable area. The distribution of dioscorea zingiberensis in this study is consistent with the actual situation. In order to clarify the natural environment that is most suitable for the growth of Dioscorea nipponica, it also provides a reference for the protection of Dioscorea zingiberensis and the choice of cultivation area.