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展览标题“独角兽与龙——奎里尼·史坦普利亚基金会与震旦博物馆馆藏的地图”援引了安伯托·艾柯1993年在北京大学一场题为《他们寻找独角兽》的演讲,说的是马可·波罗在东方旅行时误将犀牛当独角兽的故事。这场研讨会“问题化”(Problematize)了文化异同的界定和再现,即我们在界定和再现文化的不同和相似时,往往会把它放入自身文化的意义系统中解读。但这个议题和展览有什么关联呢? Exhibition title “Unicorns and dragons - Collection of the Quirini Fospia Foundation and Aurora Museum ” Cited Ambato Eco in Peking University in 1993 entitled “They Looking for a Unicorn ”speech, talking about Marco Polo mistakenly rhinoceros as Unicorn in the East travel story. The seminar “Problematize” the definition and reproduction of cultural differences and similarities, that is, when we define and reproduce different and similar cultures, we tend to interpret them in the system of meaning of our own culture. But what is the link between this issue and the exhibition?