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第二次世界大战过后,战胜国决定在美国建立联合国。可是,办公场所建在哪里?在寸土寸金的纽约,要买一块土地谈何容易;特别是联合国机构刚刚成立,身无分文,硬性摊派不合适,征求募捐也很难——经过战争浩劫,准也没有多余的钱。正当各国政要一筹莫展时,美国著名的洛克菲勒财团决定投下一笔巨资,在纽约买下一大片土地,无偿赠送给联合国。同时也将这块土地四周的地面部买下来。 After the Second World War, the victorious country decided to establish a United Nations in the United States. But where is the office? In New York, where land is scarce, it is easier to buy a piece of land; especially when the UN agency has just been established, penniless, hard-line appropriations, and solicitation of donations - after the war, No extra money. While the political leaders of various countries failed to do what they could for, the famous U.S. Rockefeller Foundation decided to invest a huge sum of money to buy a large area of ​​land in New York and give it to the United Nations for free. It also bought the ground around the land.
本文在某钨矿进行了呼吸性矽尘与矽肺的暴露—反应关系的研究。首先对该矿井下呼吸性粉尘与总粉尘浓度的关系进行了研究,把历史接尘资料中总粉尘浓度转换为呼吸性粉尘浓度。最后用Logistic多元回归模型对1151名工人的接尘资料进行了处理,推算出在一定接尘条件下,呼吸性矽尘的容许浓度为 0.24mg/m3。
为了评价 CBD_1的诱变和/或致癌作用,用~3(?)-胸腺嘧啶核苷研究 CBD_1对雄性小鼠睾丸 DNA合成的影(?)。实验结果表明 CBD_1抑制睾丸 DNA 合成。CBD_1剂量越大,睾丸 DNA 合成