The Relationship between the Nightingale and the Student——Analyzing Oscar Wilde’s The Nightingale an

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Oscar Wilde pursues the perfect things only in his works, for there is the distance of reality and art.Surely love is a wonderful thing. Wilde expresses this perfect love in his fairy tale---The Nightingale and TheRose. Nobody knows why the Student weeps for a red rose.“Be happy,”cried the Nightingale,“be happy; youshall have your red rose…”To help achieve the Student’s happiness is to realize the Nightingale’s dream. Who’sthe protagonist and what’s the Nightingale for in this fairy tale Is every true lover the Nightingale must sacrificeher life for Even though the Rose-tree’s secret for the Nightingale makes her to be his, the Nightingale’s love forthe Student is firm and constant. That is self-giving love, selfless love, great love, the love for the Student and thelove for Douglas. Oscar Wilde pursues the perfect things only in his works, for there is the distance of reality and art.Surely love is a wonderful thing. Wilde expresses this perfect love in his fairy tale --- The Nightingale and TheRose. Nobody knows why the Student “Be happy, ” cried the Nightingale, “be happy; youshall have your red rose ... ” To help achieve the Student’s happiness is to realize the Nightingale’s dream. Who’s protagonist and what’s the Nightingale for in this fairy tale Is every true lover the Nightingale must sacrificeher life for Even though the Rose-tree’s secret for the Nightingale makes her to be his, the Nightingale’s love forthe Student is firm and constant. That is self-giving love, selfless love, great love, the love for the Student and thelove for Douglas.
美国迄今只有200多年历史,没有经历封建时代,独立后直接进入资本主义,因此与欧洲国家相比,美国更加开放和民主。它以自由、民主的心态接纳来自世界各地的 The United States
摘要洛克乌德和丁耐莉是《呼啸山庄》的两位叙述人,也是艾米莉·勃朗特的双重面具。这双重面具的设置,是出于艺术效果的考虑,更是由于作者的创作心理。只有揭开这双重面具,我们才能更多地了解艾米莉·勃朗特的内心世界。  关键词:《呼啸山庄》 艾米莉·勃朗特 面具  中图分类号:I106.4 文献标识码:A    《呼啸山庄》是英国女作家艾米莉·勃朗特唯一的一部小说,由于小说中超越生死的爱情,疯狂残酷的复仇,
随着时代的发展、人们的需要,出现了越来越多的交通工具,近距离的有地铁、公交车、自行车,甚至还出现了代步机。远距离的有飞机、火车、高铁,还有我们日常生活中见得最多的汽车。无论远距离还是近距离的交通工具都使人们的生活更加方便,然而,有利就有弊。  集健康、方便、环保于一身 自行车  关于自行车。首先,我们来说近距离的交通工具,就从自行车开始说起。它不仅操作简单而且环保,不存在污染环境和空气这一说,也有
“癌症真是可以预防的”。这是全球医生都认同的,各国多家研究机构也发表各种新研究成果予以佐证。近日,《印度时报》发表了以下观点。  干家务降低乳癌风险每天花6个小时干家务活、快走或种花种菜,可以使女性患乳腺癌的危险降低13%。每天活动2.5小时可使乳腺癌危险降低8%。  少喝酒防食管癌45岁以上的男性如果少喝酒甚至不喝酒,就可减少五成得食管癌的风险。若再多吃些蔬果,更能够防这一癌症。  少吃香肠烤肉
家族中有乳腺癌患者的,无论男女,每年都应做一次检查,因为——  他成了1%,最可能因为——  只要对雄性激素有影响的因素,都可能诱发男性乳腺癌的发生。而在这其中,遗传因素、肥胖和喝酒最应该引起我们的注意。  NO.1 他有乳腺癌家族史:乳腺癌不仅祸及家族中的女性,男性也受影响。在所有男性乳腺癌的案例中,有20%是因为遗传因素引起,如果他的家族中有亲人患过此类疾病,请说服他每年做一次乳房筛查,以确保