石栎(Lithocarpus glaber)是壳斗科石栎属的长绿乔木,主要分布在我国的亚热带地区,湖南省中部、东部和北部的低山丘陵均有生长。石栎喜湿润肥沃土壤,也耐干旱瘠薄。其材质坚韧,果实含淀粉,种壳有单宁成分,而且萌芽力极强,经多代萌芽更新而长势不衰,是深受群众喜爱的多用途树种。为了探讨提高现有石栎次生林生产力的途径,并制定合利的经营利用措施,我们在长沙县北部山区檀木岭对石栎林分结构特征和生物量进行了初步研究。一、调查地概况檀木岭位于北纬28°24′,东经113°2′,属亚热带湿润气候区。年均气温17.2℃,年均降
Lithocarpus glaber is a long-green tree of the genus Quercus of Fagaceae, which is mainly distributed in the subtropical regions of China. The lowland hills of central, eastern and northern Hunan all grow. Stone oak hi humid fertile soil, but also resistant to drought barren. Its material tough, starchy fruits, seedling shell has tannin ingredients, and strong germination, after many generations of germination updates and growing, is loved by the masses of multi-purpose species. In order to explore the ways to improve the productivity of the existing Quercus variabilis and to develop the management and utilization measures, we conducted a preliminary study on the substructural characteristics and biomass of the Quercus acutissima forest in Tanmuling, a mountainous area in the northern part of Changsha County. First, the survey site Overview Sandalwood is located at latitude 28 ° 24 ’, longitude 113 ° 2’, is a subtropical humid climate zone. The average annual temperature of 17.2 ℃, average annual decline