当今的工程师一旦成为管理者,当务之急是他们必须学习新的工作技能,而更为重要的是要懂得:凭主观臆断的旧式管理已不合时宜。 一位经验丰富的工程师,现在他成为一名管理者,尽管以前受过多年的工程训练,但通常他们对管理技能毫无训练,可是,对新管理者的工作成绩的主要评价标准恰恰是有效地管理,而不是精通专业技术,其结果,新工作的失误可能给自己和家庭带来悲剧,并使公司陷入严重的困境。
When engineers today become managers, it is imperative that they must learn new job skills. It is even more important to understand that old-style management based on subjective criticism is no longer appropriate. An experienced engineer, now he is a manager. Although he was previously trained for many years, he usually has no training in management skills. However, the main criterion for evaluating the performance of new managers is precisely Management, rather than proficient in professional skills, as a result, mistakes in new jobs may cause tragedy for themselves and their families, and put the company into serious trouble.