编者的话 :为基层教师的教学服务 ,一直是我们教学版的宗旨。从本期开始 ,语文版将开设“备课答问”栏目 ,专门解答老师们在语文教学中遇到的具体问题。欢迎广大小学语文教师将自己在备课或教学中不易解决的疑点、难点写给我们 ,我们将请语文教学专家或特级教师帮助解答。本期
Editor’s Note: The teaching services for grass-roots teachers have always been the purpose of our teaching edition. From the beginning of this issue, the Language Edition will open a “Preparation for Questions and Answers” section to specifically answer teachers’ specific problems in language teaching. Welcome to the primary school language teachers to write to us the doubts and difficulties that are difficult to solve in preparation for classes or teaching. We will ask Chinese language teaching experts or special teachers to help answer them. This period