开创新局面 发展无界限——海淀园20年国际合作之道

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在中关村科技园区海淀园迎来了他二十岁生日之际,总结海淀园的国际化道路发展经验和启示,推动国际化道路的继续发展,在这个国界概念愈渐模糊的年代显得任重而道远。恰逢中国改革开放三十周年之际,中关村科技园区海淀园也迎来了他二十岁的生日。经历过2008年金融风暴,汶川地震,北京奥运,面对联系愈渐紧密的世界各国,面对已走出国门深深置于世界之中的实际国情,面对现如今的同一个世界,同一个梦想。海淀园应该制定怎样的发展战略来适应环境的变化,继续发挥优势推动改革开放? Haizidian Science and Technology Park in Zhongguancun ushered in his twentieth birthday, summarize the experience of Haidian Park, the development of international road and enlightenment, to promote the continued development of international road, in the increasingly blurred concept of this national boundaries seems to be the weight of Way away. Coincides with the thirtieth anniversary of China’s reform and opening up, Zhongguancun Science Park Haidian Park also ushered in his 20 birthday. Having experienced the 2008 financial turmoil, the Wenchuan earthquake and the Beijing Olympics, in the face of increasingly close contact with all countries in the world and in the face of the actual national conditions that have gone abroad and are deeply placed in the world, in the face of today’s same world and the same dream. Haidian Park should develop what kind of development strategy to adapt to changes in the environment, continue to give play to the advantages of promoting reform and opening up?