“第二十四条 违反本规定第二章规定,没有造成农机责任事故的责任人员,县级以上人民政府农业机械行政主管部门可以委托农机监理机构,责令其限期改正,并可给予警告或1000元以下的罚款。”的具体操作规定如下。 (1)农业机械操作(驾驶)人员有下列行为之一的,由县级以上人民政府农业机械行政主管部门委托农机监理
“Article 24 In violation of the provisions of Chapter 2 of these Provisions, there is no responsible person responsible for the agricultural machinery accident accident. The administrative department of agricultural machinery of the people’s government above the county level may entrust the agricultural machinery supervision agency to order it to correct within a time limit and may give a warning or 1000 The following fines. ”The specific operating rules are as follows. (1) Where an officer of agricultural machinery operation (driving) commits one of the following acts, the agricultural machinery supervising department of the people’s government at or above the county level shall entrust him