40 1矿区贫铀花岗岩成岩后经过三期水溶液流体的改造作用 :早期高温热液的碱交代作用使花岗岩中的铀活化转移 ,此活性铀是形成铀矿床的物质基础 ;中期中低温热液是沿断裂上升的深源富 CO2 流体与大气降水的混合产物 ,它浸出了花岗岩中的活性铀 ,并迁移至有利的断裂构造部位 ,富集成脉状热液铀矿床 ;晚期地表水沿控矿断裂向下渗滤 ,铀矿床遭受表生淋滤 ,其矿石的物理化学性质发生改变 ,为地下堆浸创造了有利条件
After the diagenesis of depleted uranium granites in the mining area, the fluid of three phases has been remodeled: the alkali metasomatism of early high-temperature hydrothermal fluids activate and transfer the uranium in the granites, and this active uranium is the material basis for the formation of uranium deposits. The mixed product of fractured and rising CO2-rich fluid and atmospheric precipitation leaches the active uranium from the granite and migrates to the favorable fault structure and enriches into a vein-like hydrothermal uranium deposit. Late surface water flows along the direction of ore-controlling faults Under infiltration, the uranium deposit is subjected to superficial leaching and the physical and chemical properties of the ore are changed, creating favorable conditions for underground heap leaching