
来源 :热加工工艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aihaiyuguijing
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运用ProCAST软件对灰铸铁BMR型摆线液压马达壳体的铸造工艺进行数值模拟。通过对充型过程和凝固过程的温度场模拟结果分析,预测了壳体铸造缺陷的位置,并对原铸造工艺方案进行了改进。对改进后的方案进行模拟分析和实际验证。结果表明,增加冒口可弥补灰铸铁凝固时自补缩和后补缩不足的差额,且增加冷铁能够有效地加快热节处金属液凝固速度,从而消除了壳体内的缩孔缺陷。 ProCAST software is used to simulate the casting process of gray cast iron BMR cycloid hydraulic motor housing. Through the analysis of the temperature field simulation results of the filling process and the solidification process, the position of the shell casting defects was predicted, and the process scheme of the original casting was improved. The improved scheme is simulated and verified. The results show that adding a riser can make up for the difference between self-shrinkage and post-shrinkage in the solidification of gray cast iron. Adding cold iron can effectively speed up the solidification rate of molten metal at the hot section and eliminate the shrinkage defects in the shell.