患者女性,51岁。因子宫肌瘤手术发现腹膜、肠管、子宫及双侧卵巢表面多发粟粒样成簇状赘生物。患者平素无腹胀、腹部不适等。查体:未触及腹部肿块,腹水(-)。X线胸片及腹部彩超未见明显异常。既往无特殊病史。病理检查巨检:送检灰红、灰白色粟粒样簇状赘生物数枚,大小2.8 cm×1.2 cm×0.5 cm~1.5 cm×1.5 cm×0.6 cm不等,部分游离,部分黏附于子宫浆膜面,大体呈麦穗
Patient female, 51 years old. Due to uterine fibroids surgery found in the peritoneum, intestine, uterus and bilateral ovarian surface multiple miliary clustered neoplasm. Patients usually no bloating, abdominal discomfort and so on. Physical examination: did not touch the abdominal mass, ascites (-). X-ray and abdominal ultrasound showed no obvious abnormalities. No special medical history. Pathological examination of macroscopic examination: Send gray-red, gray miliary tufted neoplasms several pieces, the size of 2.8 cm × 1.2 cm × 0.5 cm ~ 1.5 cm × 1.5 cm × 0.6 cm range, part of the free, part of the adhesion to the uterine serosa Surface, generally wheat ears