在互联网上,一直活跃着一群年轻人,他们精通电脑,常以不速之客的身份,侵入和扰乱各种高级电脑网络系统,人们通常称其为黑客。35岁的凯文·米特尼克就是被公认的世界头号电脑黑客。他作案时间之长、破坏力之大,令电脑警察们都胆战心惊。 当米特尼克13岁还在上小学时就喜欢上了业余无线电活动,他很快对社区小学生俱乐部里惟一的一台电脑着了迷,并从中学就达到了高超的计算机专业知识和操作技能。老师们赞叹他是一位电脑奇才,认为他是个有培养前途的天才少年。不料有一天,米特尼克竟然使用学校的电脑闯入了其他学校
In the Internet, has been active in a group of young people, they are proficient in computers, often as an uninvited guest, invades and disrupts a variety of advanced computer network systems, people are often referred to as hackers. 35-year-old Kevin Mitnick is recognized as the world’s number one computer hacker. His long time of committing the crime, destructive power, so that the computer police are scared. When Mitnick enjoyed his amateur radio activity when he was 13 and still in elementary school, he quickly became obsessed with the only computer in the community’s primary school club and achieved superb computer expertise and maneuver skills from high school . The teachers praised him as a computer genius, thinking of him as a talented teenager with a promising future. Unexpectedly, one day, Mitnick actually use the school’s computer into other schools