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中职教学应该紧紧跟随时代发展的步伐,加强普适性能力的培养,提高学生职业能力的需要,为学生搭建出更为广阔的创业与就业平台,促进动漫行业的发展。中职学生职业素养的提高需要各方努力,协同合作,教师、学校要重视培养方式的创新和改革,实现在活动和实践中对学生职业素养的潜移默化;企业行业要打造展示平台,提供有利支持,帮助学生建立良好职业习惯;社会要帮助营造良好氛围,对中职学生在工作和实践中的进步给与更多支持。 Secondary vocational education should closely follow the pace of development of the times, strengthen the training of universal ability, improve students’ professional ability, build a broader platform for entrepreneurship and employment and promote the development of animation industry. The improvement of occupational quality of secondary vocational students requires the efforts of all parties and cooperation. Teachers and schools should pay attention to the innovation and reform of training methods and realize the subtle influence on students’ professional accomplishments in activities and practices. The enterprise industry should create a display platform and provide favorable support , To help students to establish good professional habits; society should help create a good atmosphere, to give more support to the progress of vocational students in their work and practice.